Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Day 22- Daily Bread

Today my husband went out to celebrate his coworker's birthday.  I must admit that I was a bit frustrated that he dropped eight whole bucks on lunch.  This put us in the hole for this week’s Lenten “food stamp” allowance.

I headed to my local grocery store in hopes to find  a super sale of some sort to make up for the loss. Woohoo!!!! I found a family pack of chicken thighs for a little over five bucks.

I grabbed the chicken, a bottle of store brand barbecue sauce, and grumpily headed to the checkout line.
When I got to the line there was a man in front of me who was purchasing a loaf of bread with what appeared to be some sort of voucher.  The cashier was trying to explain to the customer that the voucher was for a different type of bread.  I could hear people behind me mumbling and sucking their teeth.

I love how God finds different ways to show himself....

In that instance I was reminded that while my husband and I made the choice to take a 40 day challenge, there are people who live this challenge daily. This is their reality.

I discreetly told the cashier that I would pay for the bread.  The customer gave me a meek smile, nodded his head, and thanked me. 

Thank you Lord for turning my grocery store run into a teachable moment.
Thank you for providing me with my daily bread.
Thank you for keeping my stomach and my soul full.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Bun Pump and Girl

I can’t believe it has been over a year since my last post.  So much has changed.   
This past summer I replaced the pie in the oven with a bun.
I traded in my pumps for a breast pump.
I traded in my pearls for a baby girl!

As you can see I have not lost my sense of humor. Thank goodness!! Being a new mommy is challenging. I find laughter to be soothing. My attitude is the one thing I have control over (although my hubby might slightly disagree..ha).  It is the one constant in this new beautiful world of inconsistencies called motherhood.